Music Program(s) during

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Anno Domini MMXIII

Novena begins on July 7 at 7pm.


Festival Mass on Sunday: July 14, 201312:00 noon          

Prelude:                     Ave Maria (da Victoria)

Entrance:                  Gloria a Te

Kyrie, Gloria            Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro A. Yon)

Psalm / Alleluia:      for the day

Creed:            :           recited

Offertory                   Oh Maria, Quanto Se Bella

                                    Dell’ Aurora

Preface Dialogue    

Sanctus, Agnus Dei Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro A. Yon)

Communion:            Panis Angelicus (Cesar Franck)

                                    Salve Mater Misericordiae

Recessional               O Del Carmel


Healing Mass – July 15, 20137:00pm           

Entrance:                  Immaculate Mary (bilingual)

Kyrie, Gloria:           Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro A. Yon)

Psalm, Alleluia:       Feast of the Assumption

Anointing of the Sick:        La Preghiera del Malato

                                    Ave Maria (da Victoria)

                                    Slave Regina (Schubert)

Offertory:                  Oh Maria, Quanto Se Bella

Preface Dialogue

Sanctus, Agnus Dei            Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro A. Yon)

Communion:            Soul of My Savior

Post Communion:   Salve Mater Misericordiae

Recessional:              O Del Carmel


Festival Day Solemn Pontifical Mass (Extraordinary Form):  July 16, 201312:00 noon      

Prelude:                     Salve Regina (Schubert)

Entrance:                  Inno a Madonna Fedelis

Introit                        Mass Propers

Kyrie, Gloria            Missa Solonnelle (Vierne)

Gradual / Alleluia:  Mass Propers

Credo:                        Chant (Gregorian Credo III)

Offertory                   Mass Propers

                                    Oh Maria, Quanto Se Bella

                                    Ave Maria (da Victoria)

Preface Dialogue

Sanctus, Agnus Dei            Missa Solonnelle (Vierne)

Communion:            Mass Propers

                                    Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)

                                    Salve Mater Misericordiae

Recessional:              O Del Carmel

                                    Dell Aurora


Novena Hymns:                                          

Immaculate Mary (bilingual),


La Preghiera del Malato,

Oh Maria, Quanto Se Bella (E Viva Maria),

Ave Maria O Maiden O Mother,

Inno a Madonna Fedelis

Exposition hymn:    O Salutaris

Benediction hymn: Tantum Ergo

Recessional Hymn: O Del Carmel


Mass Settings:                                            

Missa de Pastori (Mass of the Shepherds) – Pietro A. Yon   

Missa Solonnelle – Louis Vierne

listen to the Kyrie

listen to the Gloria

listen to the Sanctus et Benedictus

listen to the Agnus Dei

            Credo III - Gregorian


Mass Propers for The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: July 16:         

Graduale Romanum - Gregorian Propers – old notation

Bragers’ Edition – same melodies, modern notation

Additional hymns and music:     

Ave Maria (da Victoria)

Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)

Exsultate Justi (Viadanna)

O Divina Eucristia

            Panis Angelicus (Franck)

            Panis Angelicus (Lambilotte)

Regina Coeli (Mascagni)

Regina Coeli (Lotti)

Salve Mater Misericordiae

Salve Regina (Schubert)

            Salve Regina (Gregorian)

            Soul of my saviour

            Vi Adoro


Missa Prima PontificalisLorenzio Perosi



John M. Thomas, Music Director and Organist

(862) 215-7208